Active student participation is the key to student achievement in the classroom. Regular participation is essential for student growth, and students are expected to engage in learning activities every week.
To report your child's absence, please email the school at indicating student’s full name, the date(s), reason for the absence(s) and the return date. A doctor’s note is required in cases of long-term absences (more than three days). OMMS will adjust All Day codes as necessary based on parent notes.
NOTE: Parents have 5 days to submit absence notes from day of returning back to school.
Missing work: For excused absences, students will be provided an opportunity to complete any unfinished assignments given during the date(s) student was absent. Please contact your child's counselor to help collect work during abseces.
Ms. Janene Bunkley - students with last names A-K
Ms. Ellen Scott - students with last names L-Z
Update on Instructional Supports During Quarantine: Beginning the week of September 27, the HCPSS Evening School program will offer virtual grade-level academic support sessions for eligible elementary and middle school students who must quarantine or who are struggling academically. These sessions will be available on Google Meet each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 6-8 p.m., and consist of parallel small group sessions in elementary English and math; and middle school English, math, science and social studies. Parents are encouraged to attend with their child. Please click here for more detailed information.