During the state mandatory school closing, if you have questions or concerns, please utilize the following points of contact for information:
General information:
Allen Cosentino | Principal | allen_cosentino@hcpss.org
Regina Coleman | Assistant Principal, 7th Grade, last names A-K & 8th Grade | regina_coleman@hcpss.org
Margaret Stavish | Assistant Principal, 6th Grade & 7th Grade last names L-Z | margaret_stavish@hcpss.org
Faria Nazrul | Principal's Secretary | faria_nazrul@hcpss.org
Woli Schantz | Teachers' Secretary | woli_schantz@hcpss.org
Field Trip Refund:
Allen Cosentino | Principal | allen_cosentino@hcpss.org
Faria Nazrul | Principal's Secretary | faria_nazrul@hcpss.org
Family file/Emergency Contact:
Jessica Kim | Data Clerk | jessica_kim@hcpss.org
Woli Schantz | Teachers' Secretary | woli_schantz@hcpss.org
Student Services
Attendance/Absence Notes
Trina Johnson | School Counseling Secretary | trina_johnson@hcpss.org
School Counselors
Janene Bunkley | School Counselor, last names A-K | janene_bunkley@hcpss.org
Ellen Scott | School Counselor, last names L-Z | ellen_scott@hcpss.org
Pupil Personnel Worker
Jomo Fowlkes I jomo_fowlkes@hcpss.org
BSAP Office Hours
Jalen Swain I jalen_swain@hcpss.org
Wednesdays at 10:00am. Google Code: OMMS-BSAP
Hispanic Achievement Liaison
Teresa Norman I teresa_norman@hcpss.org