OMMS Summer Library Hours.pdf
**Daily: Origami, Games, Coloring, Free Books! Join us for Story Time starting at 10 AM.
- July 1, 9:00 A.M.: Paper Airplane Contest! (paper and instructions provided)
- July 8, 9:00 A.M: Utilize Geography Skills to find a character's secret location in an interactive story.
- July 15, 9:00 A.M: Egg Drop Contest! Make a container for a filled plastic egg which protects it from opening when dropped.
- July 22, 9:00 A.M: Escape Room: Another interactive story in which you use math and other skills to help your character escape.
- Fridays, 11:00 A.M.: Bring your lunch and bring your writing. We will eat and write from 11:00 to 11:30